Mulhouse 023

Mulhouse 023 – Biennale de la jeune création contemporaine,
Inaugurazione: sabato 10  giugno 2023
Apertura: 10–13  giugno 2023.
MOTOCO, 13 Rue de Pfastatt, 68200 Mulhouse, Francia

L’Accademia di belle arti G. Carrara partecipa con la mostra personale di Federica Balconi.

Fragile and resistant, hot and cold, industrial and domestic are the dualisms addressed in Federica Balconi’s artworks; characteristics that are certainly distant, but extremely connected.
In the sculptures, the structural and metallic elements become soft blankets in an attempt to find its own identity and some domestic elements become soft, acquiring human properties.
The structural elements lose their stiffness and primary function, becoming shapeless and unsupportive, contrasted by bright colors highlighting the assemblies.
In the monotype prints, Federica reflects on domestic items which come to life, in some clumsy organisms that interact with each other with human attitudes.
The research rely on the concept of home, a fusion between the rigidity of the architecture and the warmth of the human traces.