100×100=900 (100 videoartists to tell a century)

100×100=900 (100 videoartists to tell a century)

Video Screening / Accademia Carrara di Belle Arti
October 23 to 25 from 10:00 to 17:30 
Accademia Carrara di Belle Arti, Piazza Giacomo Carrara, 82/d (BG)

Introduce / Agustin Sanchez

The Artists

To celebrate 50 years of videoart, conventionally recurrent on 2013, Magmart | video under volcano organize the videoartistic project 100×100=900 (100 videoartists to tell a century).


The concept
The idea base if project is that to evolve it is necessary to understand what of past must be once and for all archived. In this sense, to call 100 videoartists to interpret anyone a year of the past century, besides to constitute a really global narration of 1900s, rapresent an attempt to processing the past, not by coincidence entasted to artists, and not by coincidence videoartists – due the moving imagine (cinema, television, web) is one of characterising elements of 1900s.
Maybe never like videoart, an art has been so intimately close to languages of contemporary, at their grammar and syntax. And the progressive switchover to digital of any expressive form by images, render always more subtle the wall that separate the artistic use of medium by all other uses.
In this sense, videoart can reasonally be consider like the form of art more inner at XXI century, and in this – hence – gifted of more suitable communicative tools for comparison on this crest between the two millennium. For the same reason, is even – potentially – that in prospect will can exercise a more significant influence on shapes of communication.
To approach, through an artistic and plural look, the history of 1900s, therefore want be – at same time – a coral and visionary narration of century, its new reading in an artistic key, its interpretation and elaboration. Avoiding from a historiographical or political look, for its own nature partisan, and resorting to artists look instead, subjective and partial but not partisan, the project want exite a collective consideration on near root of our present.
And absolutely freedom of any artist, which the only bond will be to focalize her/his own work on a certain year, presumably will bring with itself a capability of unsettling, and at same time of re-alignment, of our view of century.
100×100=900 also call the artists to experiment a different context for their own production: indeed, even if interpretative freedom is strongly solicited, is plain – in primis at involved artists – that global vision of artworks will determine a meta-layer of reading, that include and overcome that of any artwork.
This consciousness is highly probable that – even if under unpredictable shapes – will reflect itself on creative process. At same time, this is the first time that a similar project is tryed, at least for videoart, and then is an experiment itself.
With absolute awareness of enormous differences, the inspiring model of project should empathize with Terræ Motus, where Lucio Amelio calls some artists to intervene – exactly in a global way – on an event of tragic greatness like earthquake.
At end of project, will be published a catalogue. Is our intention to cut a closed number of young art critics in this publication, preferably of different geographical and cultural origin.

The artists
The project born in strongly continguous with Magmart | video under volcano festival, that along the years has build a community of videoartists – and a network of international organizations that are mainly focused on videoart. In this perspective, the more natural choice has been to invite 100 artists selected within the winners of previous edition of festival.
From this parterre has been done an attempt to extrapolate a list of one hundred names, that includes – if possible – the max wide range of styles, but especially of cultures, namely capable to assure a look the more various possible. In any way, in fact, the final outcome of project is wanted like signed by a definite specific cultural mark – even in the awareness that, in globalization era, many differences tend to lower.

I 100 artisti coinvolti, selezionati tra quelli che hanno partecipato alle diverse edizioni del Festival Magmart, provengono da varie parti del mondo (Iran, Austria, Germania, Stati Uniti, Serbia, Brasile, Francia, Italia, Olanda, Perù, Cina, Norvegia, Messico, India, Egitto, Estonia, Sudan, Russia, Argentina, Spagna, Inghilterra, Israele, Libano, Portogallo, Canada, Svizzera, Belgio, Hong Kong, Giappone, Bosnia, Etiopia, Cile, Turchia, Ungheria, Iraq, Siria, Pakistan, Nigeria, Vietnam), e portano quindi nel progetto anche una diversa sensibilità culturale.
Artisti 100×100=900:
Alysse Stepanian, Evelin Stermitz, Gruppefisch, Emily Alden Foster, Danilo Stojic, Marcia Beatriz Granero, Hervé Penhoat, Silvia De Gennaro, Ries Straver, Alessandro Amaducci, Carl Knickerbocker, Mauricio Sanhueza, David Cheung, Arthur Tuoto, Nara Denning, Paolo Bandinu, Ulf Kristiansen, Piero Chiariello, ferrie = differentieel, Barbara Agreste, Agustin Sanchez, Liang Zhao, Elisabetta Di Sopra, Venugopal V.G. , Maria Korporal, Dennis H. Miller, Mario Raoli, Antonello Novellino, Ouestbrouq, VIDEOPAPER, soundbarrier, Khaled Hafez, Murka, Evo Preisner, Loredana Raciti, Robert Ladislas Derr, Ora Kolmanovsky, Cleantho Viana, Iñigo Orduña + Claudio Molinari Dassatti, Marina Fomento, Lino Strangis, Juanma Carrillo, Debra Fear, Tal Lotan, Alejandro Ramirez, Eli Souaiby, Manuel Díaz, Gennaro Cicalese, Ann Steuernagel, Henry Gwiazda, Caroline Koebel, Christin Bolewsky, Chiara Mazzocchi, Cláudia Melo, Roßbacher Gerald + Weingärtner Michael, Joe Hambleton, Alessandro De Vita, Emilio Rizzo, Thorsten Fleisch, Arnaud Brihay, Wong Pak Yin, Tania Antoshina + Artur Muradyan,  Malaventura, Andreas Mares, Erika Matsunami, Francesca Fini, Zlatko Cosic, Ezra Wube, Hernan Apablaza, Marcus Shahar, Loredana Antonelli, Margit Nobis, Recep Akar, Alexandra Mitlyanskaya, Paola Luciani, Gérard Cairaschi, Noriko Okaku, Salvatore Insana, Khalil Charif, Boldizsar, Resmi Al Kafaji, Eleonora Manca, Azahara Cerezo, Kevork Mourad, Eden Orion, Vladimir Todorovic, Agata Chiusano, Matías Montarcé, Igor Imhoff, Laurel Beckman, Rona Rangsch, Francesca Leoni, Nida Fatima Khan, Colette Copeland, Philip Sanderson, Emeka, Ishii Jun’ichiro, Giang Nguyen Hoang, Nisrine Boukhari, Russell J. Chartier + Paul J Botelho


Enrico Tomaselli
Magmart Festival Art Director